How to select a good keyword?
Keyword is basically consisting of more than a single word or 2-3 word phrases. This keyword phrase is what a potential buyer or visitor type in to a search engine, and a list of websites related to a specific searched topic will show up. 2-3 of these words should be used throughout each of your web page which will be a part of the optimization process of your whole site.
Picking a right keyword seems like an easy question to answer. Looking for a word or phrase that will help your website appear on top of the search engine result list for a relevant searched topic won't be as simple as it may sound. It may take you hours and hours of hunting for it before you end up with the best keywords that will give you enough points to rank high in SERP. To decide what are those words or phrases, you will have to ask yourself: Who will use the product or services I am offering? Is this what I love sharing to others? These questions may sound a bit childish but it will give you less time finding the proper key phrases that you can apply to your web pages. Part of selecting a good keyword is to understand your audience while working on something that you do enjoy. This could help you build your website on a long run.
Once you have a subject in mind to work on, next thing you need to do is to brainstorm your keywords. This means that you have to think of some key phrases that are relevant to your niche or subject of your site or pages and write it all down. Make a list of possible words and phrases that you think fit to your website. At least 3-5 keywords would be enough for each of your web page. But only 1 from your keyword list can be treated as your main keyword.
Learn the two types of keywords
First is the brand keyword which is simply your brand name. It could be your logo name, nickname, codename, business name or any name you want to tag your website. This keyword is associated with your company name and is already tied to it. The more popular your site will be, the easier people can find your website using only your brand name. The second is the generic keyword which we will put our keyword searching effort on. Now that we are familiar with different types of keywords, we can now move on to the next step.
Pick the right key phrases mean looking for keywords that are high on demand and low on supply. How many people are searching online using those words (demand) and how many sites competing for it (supply)? To identify a keywords’ demand and supply we need to open a search engine and a keyword tracker. We could use Google since it is the most popular and efficient search engine available online and Google Adwords Keyword Tool for free use if you do not have a budget to purchase a much better keyword tracker as of the moment.
To select good keyword is to look for a low competition words and phrases that could range not more than 30,000 competitors (supply) by typing the words or phrases including quotes. Be smart enough to verify your keywords’ obscurity and to think that at least a thousand of people are searching (demand) for it every month. Use these steps for your second and third key phrases until you get the best phrases that will suit your site. This would be time consuming but once you hold on to your preferred keyword, you will surely earn a lot from it.
Good luck on your key phrases finding and brainstorming!!
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